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2023-03-20 14:18:17
Hiccup deleted source data with key 1958
1864 - Resident Evil - Revelations (World) (Demo) (E3 2011) (Unplayable)

* bhr_e32011_romfs.rar >> b806d0f9ed5a4daf2cc6a32acbdc9c06
* bhr_e32011_romfs.rar >> b806d0f9ed5a4daf2cc6a32acbdc9c06
* bhr_e32011_romfs.rar >> b806d0f9ed5a4daf2cc6a32acbdc9c06
* bhr_e32011_romfs.rar >> b806d0f9ed5a4daf2cc6a32acbdc9c06

Section: Third Party
Info: Bad
Dump date: 2015-04-21 (unconfirmed date)
Release date: 2015-04-21
Original format: Encrypted
Comment 1: Extracted RomFS filesystem in a RAR. Not ExeFS - not playable.
Link 1: http://jul.rustedlogic.net/thread.php?pid=439745#439745
Region: Unknown
is exactly the same as the romfs of the eshop demo - could easily be fake

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