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2020-02-09 20:32:50
omonim2007 deleted source data with key 277
Section: Third Party
Info: Bad
Date: 2008-12-25
Comment 1: Alternate ROM for better emulation compatibility
Comment 2: The ROM data is actually 16 KB, the first half being mirrored 4 times due to the cartridge board mapping. For convenience purpose (compatibility with all existing emulators), we'll release a 40 KB ROM file.
Link 1: https://www.smspower.org/db/challenge_derby-40k-omv-jp.shtml
Link 2: https://www.smspower.org/forums/13468-Sega8BitAutumnOfDumpsPart4TheMicroXeviousTheSevenAlternates
Region: Japan
Moved to separate release

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