Agarest - Generations of War - Ellis Set (Europe) (DLC) Revision history 2020-12-13 20:27:49 norkmetnoil577 EDITED ARCHIVE Agarest - Generations of War - EP4015-BLES00594_00-0000000000000005 (Europe) archive_name new value: Agarest - Generations of War - Ellis Set old value: Agarest - Generations of War - EP4015-BLES00594_00-0000000000000005 2018-03-17 20:19:49 norkmetnoil577 ADDED SOURCE Third Party 2018-03-17 20:19:49 norkmetnoil577 ADDED FILE #39637 uoON8d7SG6KrqRU4FdUl9lKsScNY5USkw8LoXpwXVEvrRowvLlNyRFSNGoqDJEQX5ESSHmnQgmLYBPy9KauCIYSVvBI0HBGm2eeWh.pkg 2018-03-17 20:19:49 norkmetnoil577 ADDED ARCHIVE Agarest - Generations of War - EP4015-BLES00594_00-0000000000000005 (Europe)