layzee »
2009-05-14 00:28:52
Could we rename Y's - The Vanished Omens (Japan)
back to either:
Ancient Ys Vanished Omen (Japan)
or even
Ys (Japan)
alexian »
2009-05-19 04:21:14
Please justify why we would do that. No-intro naming conventions are based on box art, not screen art. That is, how the game was packaged / sold. Please provide proof of box art that supports your choice of game title.
layzee »
2009-05-19 11:12:48
"The common misspelling "Y's" arises from a typographical error in the packaging of the English-language versions on the Sega Master System.[1]"
Box says "Ys"
alexian »
2009-06-09 03:11:03
OK -- Here's what I see. Note all of these are accessible from here:
Rom 0027 (USA, Europe)
US Box Front: Ys: The Vanished Omens
US Box Back and Spine: Y's: The Vanished Omens
Pal Box: I see no difference in the spelling here.
Rom 0026 (Japan)
Japan Box Front: Ys
Japan Box Back and Spine: Not shown in the pictures
I'm not sure if the extra characters in the corner of the Japanese box have anything to do with the title, because I don't read Japanese.
I raised the original issue on 0027, and I see that the front of the box does not agree with the back and spine -- so I could go either way on the apostraphe there. For the Japanese version (0026), looks like the front of the box has just 'Ys'. Has anyone found spine or back photos for the Japanese cart?
gigadeath »
2009-06-19 08:32:00
The series is named Ys. No apostrophe whatsoever.
That is easily verified by the official Falcom website and by every single release of Ys games for every system from 1987 until today (and we're talking about dozens of games). The spine and back box of the Master System version were obviously adapted/traslated by someone who knew nothing about what he was working on. The typical example of typing monkey working for the Western videogame industry back in the Eighties.
Luckily the front cover shows the original logo and not the translitteration by the typing monkey who did the spine and the back box description, so we can use the actual name and not some kind of weird error like "Y's".
gigadeath »
2009-06-19 09:42:49
To close the discussion --->