ReyVGM »
2010-07-02 05:55:55
Whose idea was it to change the Japanese Kid Icarus' subtitle to Parthenon?
The title is not referencing the Parthenon in Greece, it's referencing the princess you must rescue, which happens to be called Palutena (or Palthena/Paltena, depending on how you romanize it).
So the title should be changed to Palutena.
Old = Hikari Shinwa - Parthenon no Kagami
New = --> Hikari Shinwa - Palutena no Kagami
If you need further evidence, take the Japanese title (光神話 パルテナの鏡,) and break it down:
光 = Hikari = Light
神話 = Shinwa = Myth
パルテナ = the Katakana LITERALLY reads Pa Ru Te Na
の = Same thing as the apostrophe
鏡 = Kagami = Mirror
However, Parthenon would be パルテノン (Pa Ru Te No N) .