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Bad region for some Spanish titles
Category: P/Clone
Closed (rejected) by: nnssxx.
andrebrait » 2020-01-26 10:47:23

At least for the current Paren/Clone XML files, some Spanish ROMs are being counted as EUR, even though they were only released in Spain.

Adan y Eva (Spain) (Gluk Video) (Unl)
Corre Benny (Spain) (Gluk Video) (Unl)
Gran Aventura Submarina, La (Spain) (Gluk Video) (Unl)
Monstruo de los Globos, El (Spain) (Rev 1) (Gluk Video) (Unl)
andrebrait » 2020-01-26 13:36:01

This was wrongly posted here, this is actually related to NES
nnssxx » 2023-05-01 12:53:36

All Gluk games are relabeled NTDEC games from Taiwan.