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Kid Dracula save file is required
Category: ROM data
Reference: 2846
Closed (accepted) by: nnssxx.
KickMeElmo » 2020-05-25 16:02:08

The save file was removed from the Kid Dracula set with a message of "Please don't add save files hash - ROM managers doesn't work properly uses that cases". This ignores the special case with this particular rom, where the save file actually contains part of the game's data required to be able to run. Because it's part of the game's data, it needs to be included in the set. If a user has issues because they keep saves messily in the same location as the roms, that's why rom managers have the ability to handle exceptions.

Please see the following link for details.
Nicky » 2020-05-27 12:53:26

I agree with you, plus the clrmamepro could easily manage this situation, I don't understand why other rom managers would have troubles dealing with the sav file
KickMeElmo » 2020-05-29 12:27:55

Seems this has been resolved since posting.