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Name romanization
Category: Naming
Reference: 0297
Closed (accepted) by: Hiccup.
Prominos » 2023-04-13 15:47:49

Romanization of this name is wrong: 使命 is not read as "Shimei" in this case it's read "Sadame"

The correct title is: "Breath of Fire II - Sadame no Ko (Japan)"

Prominos » 2023-04-13 18:29:39

The proof of the correct romanization was hard to get. You have to play the game to the very end to see it. Basically when you get to the last boss Deathevan (デスエバン), the part where he transform from his human form to his monster form he will scream the protagonist's title "使命の子" in kana. The exact quote is:


A rough romanization:

Ryu o o o o
saadaaaaaaaame nooo kooooo (sadame no ko=使命の子)

As far as I know there's no other official unambiguous reading of that title. Even the commercial does not speak the subtitle out loud.

Unofficial sources of the reading (in japanese):

Prominos » 2023-04-13 18:33:58

and youtube let's play where it happens
Prominos » 2023-04-13 19:21:29

Also more context from the trivia section of this page in japanese:


There was an appeal to the public to find a suitable subtitle
for this game in the "Family Computer Magazine".
When the selected subtitle was announced it's reading
was "Shimei no ko" as indicated by the ruby text
(small kana over kanjis that indicate correct reading)
however, in the final release version the correct
reading was changed to "Sadame no ko".